Employee Benefits Committee
Purpose & Function
The Policy Development, Approval and Dissemination Policy provides that three University Standing Committees, Academic Council, Employee Benefits Committee and the Policy Committee of the University, are authorized to recommend to the President of the University proposals to establish a new University policy or revise an existing University policy concerning their designated area of responsibility. This mandate is outlined in the December 14, 2018 revision to The Policy Development, Approval and Dissemination Policy.
In this capacity, the Employee Benefits Committee is responsible to act upon:
- Courses of action affecting employee fringe benefits.
Furthermore, the Policy Development, Approval and Dissemination Policy, requires that the Office of the Secretary of the University and General Counsel serve to provide administrative support and direction to the Academic Council and the Employee Benefits Committee for the development and dissemination of these policies.
The Employee Benefits Committee serves to:
- provide advice to the Executive Director of Human Resources and the Vice President for Finance and Administration on issues with respect to employee benefits policies that affect the University community;
- review and consult with the appropriate employee bodies regarding any development of new or revisions to existing employee benefit policies; and
- provide recommendations to the President of the University on any changes to or development of employee benefits policies, procedures and practices.
Administrative support for all other aspects brought to the Benefits Committee for input is provided by the Executive Director of Human Resources.
The President of the University will be invited to all Employee Benefits Committee meetings where a proposal to develop new employment benefit policy or to modify an existing employment benefit policy is being discussed, to hear the full discussions.
Members should have a total University viewpoint and interest to assure that recommendations will contribute to the accomplishment of the objectives of the University.
Committee members are responsible for establishing and maintaining communication links to and from their constituencies to ensure that employees have an opportunity to offer input benefits. Committee members should represent their constituencies’ positions whenever possible.
Care should be taken to ensure that the group is representative of various demographics, such as age, gender, family status, etc.
Should the Chair of the Committee find that the composition of the committee lacks representation from the entire Marywood community, the Chair may request that the President of the University appoint additional members to the committee.
Position Titles of Members on this USC
President of the University (non-voting)
Executive Director of Human Resources (non-voting Chair)
Vice President for Finance and Administration (non-voting)
Executive Director of Institutional Equity and Inclusion and Title IX Coordinator
Three elected representatives of the Faculty, one from each college
Three elected Professional Staff representatives
Three elected Support Staff representatives
Method of Selection of Members
The three Faculty representatives are elected by the Faculty Senate.
The three Professional Staff representatives and the three Support staff representatives are elected by the Staff Senate of Marywood University..
Elections will be held during the Spring Semester for the next academic year.
Selection of Chair and Vice or Co-Chair
The Executive Director of Human Resources is the Chair of this University Standing Committees.
Elected members serve a three-year term with the possibility of re-election for one additional, consecutive three-year term. Eligibility is effective again after a hiatus of one year.
Meetings are held at least twice a year.
Documentation Requirements for this University Standing Committee
As provided in the University Standing Committee Policy, the Chair(s) of this University Standing Committee, in collaboration with the Office of the Secretary of the University and General Counsel, must provide the following documentation at the end of each Academic Year:
Annual Report: ☒Yes ☐ No
Minutes of Meetings: ☒Yes ☐ No
Reports To
Vice President for Finance and Administration
11/08/02 - Established by the President of the University as recommended by the Policy Committee of the University
05/14/08 - Director of the Institute for Health and Wellness added to the committee by the Vice President for Business Affairs
08/18/09 - Director of the Institute for Health and Wellness was removed from the membership
07/01/13 - Title changed from Assistant Vice President for Human Resources to Associate Vice President for Human Resources
05/11/18 - The President of the University approved the revisions as recommended by the Policy Committee of the University.
05/10/19 – Revision to membership was approved by the President of the University as recommended by the Policy Committee of the University.
10/27/20 – Title changed from Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer to Interim Vice President of Financial Affairs and Treasurer and Interim Vice President of Operations. The Reports to Section was changed from the Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer to both Interim Vice President of Financial Affairs and Treasurer and Interim Vice President of Operations.
12/22/21 – Clarification of the function of this USC; Report To Section changed from Interim Vice President of Financial Affairs and Treasurer and Interim Vice President of Operations to Vice President for Finance and Administration; update the Member and Membership Selection to reflect changes due to the merger of the Professional Staff and the Support Staff Senates to form the Staff Senate of Marywood University; and the addition of the Documentation Requirements Section were approved by the Chair of this USC and the Vice President for Finance and Administration